Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Fresh Start. part 1

Well, you caught me... I'm a horrible blogger! HORRIBLE! I forgot I even had a blog until I started following some other blogs (which you should check out...Which I will shamelessly plug in a minute!) and wanting to comment on things and realizing that I had an account. I'm an idiot... What can I say!?

Well, I looked and it has been just over a year since I last posted (haha... SOMEDAY I will get the hang of this...SOMEDAY!)

Since I last wrote... The following have happened:

I met COACH BOONE! (aka Denzel Washington in "Remember the Titans"!) He was so cool!

I turned 21 and did exactly what I wanted which was to spend some time with my family at Western and watched "Aida". They surprised me with a birthday cake at their cast party! Cute little things!


Made some killer awesome friends in Laramie (Yes... Two of them are wearing Nametags... More later!)


Cayde and Brianna Taylor Family said...

You are wonderful!! Keep the updates coming :)

Unknown said...

Thanks! I'm trying! Love you guys!