Tuesday, March 4, 2014

He Knows Me Better

        I’ve been thinking a lot about my future and choices I need to make lately. A lot of you who might read this are probably aware of some of the things going on in my life and what I am trying to accomplish, and if so, I have probably asked for your help. I hope this post doesn’t make you feel like your advice, prayers, and inputs are unwanted. It has often been said that Heavenly Father will help to answer our prayers through other people he has specifically placed in our lives. I will always cherish the conversations of support that I have had with each of the Angels in my life lately.

        As I have been feeling frazzled as I try lots of new options… The greatest news for me, is that Heavenly Father knows me better than I know myself. On my way to work the other day, I was listening to music on my ipad and decided to switch to an EFY album I used to listen to on my mission. A song came on, and it was seriously an answer to my prayers.

The lyrics say:

It feels like I’ve only got a piece of the picture
I’m trying to figure out just where I fit here,
There is One who sees all I’m meant to be…

Sometimes I can’t see past what’s on the surface
But He helps me understand the depth of my purpose
He gives me faith to hold as my path unfolds…

In a world of voices that say they have the answer
I escape the noises, close my eyes, and I turn
To the One who sees all the pieces put together-
He knows me better.

        It was EXACTLY what I needed to hear and remember at that time. Since listening to that song, I have turned to a lot more prayer and fasting, and more importantly- quickly acting on promptings that I have. It has led me to some new and exciting ideas and opportunities, which I will share sometime later, as well as insight into who I am and what I stand for when I drown out the noise of the world. I love it. I love me!

       Click below if you'd like to hear the song :-) 

1 comment:

Krystle Ricks said...

Love it. Love you. I loved your post below this one too. You are amazing. And I look forward to continue reading your blog.